Sunday, May 21, 2006

Yesterday, I went to ORCHARD with my BRO and DAD to meet my COUSIN and his WIFE for dinner. They just arrived I think 2 days ago from MYANMAR. Yep. Most of my relatives are from MYANMAR. They are like staying at the CROWN HOTEL. So we decided to have dinner at Swensens! yep SWENSENS! It's been FOREVER since I ate there! Yep. I had Chilli Fish PASTA and Frozen Chocolate Malt for DESERT! Yep. Haha. After that, my dad went home first. So my brother, my cousin, his wife and I went to WHEELOCK PLACE. Yep. My bro wanted to buy some books to complete his collection of Darren Shan books. yep. He only needs book 2 now. I need to get plastic strings. yep. to like make something... umm.. nothing else happened i guess except that my bro and I went home by mrt and laughed our ass off all the way. 'Cause he was being lame! Haha. BYE

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