Friday, May 05, 2006

MOSH MOSH MOSH MOSH. Hahaha! Murdered In The Mosh is like stuck in my head! It kept playing over and over again when I was doing the CHINESE PAPER 1. I don't even know what I was reading in the paper! Something funny happened while I was doing the paper. I "DREAMT", but wasn't sleeping, that i was at PUNGGOOL END with my EVER TRUSTWORTHY, MR. LIQUID PAPER! Guess what I was doing? You guessed it. Being a VANDAL! Haha. Not so serious la. We're allowed to write there so ya. Just to remind you, this was just a "DREAM". I uncapped my liquid paper and started writing a POEM on the BREAK WATER! Hahaha. I can't remember what I wrote but I can remember thes TWO OUTSTANDING LINES. This was how it went:

I'm filled with emptiness
But how can I be filled when I'm feeling empty......

SO LAME RIGHT! Haha. Anyway, after I laugh to myself, I continued with the paper. The teacher I wrote about yesterday HELPED ANOTHER GIRL WITH HER CHINESE PAPER and he doesn't even TEACH CHINESE! He's such an ASSHOLE! CHEATER! NO INTEGRITY! I'M TELLING! I know. You must be thinking that I'm such a "TADDY TAIL" but it's NOT FAIR TO THE REST OF US! YUP! That's my STAND!

Yaeda yaeda yaeda......

Went home right after the last paper. I'm like becoming a DORK! (that statement was random) Hahaha. Laters!

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