Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hey ho, let's go! Haha. Something I got from BIG CHEESE magazine. I just bought it yesterday. First time too because ADAM from TAKING BACK SUNDAY was like on the COVER! I bought AP too. Duh! It's like routine for me. Lol. Hawthrone Heights were on the cover. Haha. Busted my WHOLE WEEK'S ALLOWANCE on these two mags. Oh well. IT'S WORTH IT! Hahaha. Today is like MATH PAPER 2 and ART. Math was like not easy but not too difficult. It was like okay. It was the first time I didn't like stop and stone during the Math paper. I just kept going and going. Finnished the paper like 30 mins before "TIME'S UP". So ya. Right after the paper, I ran to my bag to get my wallet because I DON'T HAVE PAINT FOR ART! So I passed the money to SAMMY, MY SAVIOUR! to like help me rush to COMPASS POINT to like help me buy ACRYLIC PAINT, while I stay in school rushing through the last few pages of PREPARTORY WORK. Why do we need to do prepatory work anyway? Can't we just like let our CREATIVITY flow as we do our FINAL PIECE? Anyway, thank you FITRI for like doing the prep work with me. Lol. You like helped with the brainstorming of layouts for art. THANK YOU SAMMY for the PAINT! NICOLETTE for throwing 3 BOTTLES OF GLUE right at me when i really need it. Hahaha. Anyway, we were like given 3 HOURS for Art and I finnished it in like 2 HOURS! Why? Because I thought that we have to be done by 1.30 but it was suppose to end at 2.30. WHAT THE HELL RIGHT! So I just stoned around. Haha. Stoned and stoned till time was up. Oh ya. THANK YOU NADIA for the SON OF DORK CD protected with 3 LAYERS of different materials. Haha. SON OF DORK IS PRECIOUS! lol. SON OF DORK ROCKS! DAVE'S SO HOT! When I held the Son Of Dork cd in my hand, I was like " Pinch me is this real" HAHA. Anyway, ZAI JIAN!

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