Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hey people! 'Sup! Haha. That's like so Hip Hop person kinda thing. Haha. Today is PHOTO TAKING DAY! We like took our CLASS PHOTO and CCA PHOTO. I brought my CAMERA TOO! So it was really like PHOTO TAKING DAY! Haha. We took quite a number of photos and videos. It was like so FUN. How I wish that school was like that EVERYDAY. FOREVER. That's not gonna happen though. Duh. The class INFORMAL SHOT was like so FUN! Haha. We like wrote our names on a piece of paper and pasted it on our backs and faced our backs to the camera and turned back! The 2nd one was like so FUNNY! Haha. Mrs Tan was like PULLING Mr Tan's collar! Haha. Yep. CENTRESTAGE does not have FORMAL PHOTOS. NEVER. So it was so MUCH FUN! We like DRESSED up for the shot. I was a JESTER! With yellow tights. TIGHTS. You heard me right. TIGHTS. YELLOW TIGHTS. Yep. It was fun though. Haha. Yep. HAPPENING RIGHT? I wore TIGHTS! Haha.

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