Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hey PEOPLE! I miss blogging soooooo MUCH! All because of my STUPID, IGNORANT, ANNOYING, IDIOTIC BROTHER! HOGGING THE COMPUTER FOR LIKE... FOREVER! Oh well. At least I get to use it now, BUT I SOOOO NEED MY OWN LAPTOP OR NOTEBOOK OR PC! So i don't have to share with my PESKY little bro. Today is SOCIAL SUICIDE DAY. Yep. SOCIAL SUCIDE. HEADING FOR THE SOCIAL FLATLINE. There was like a GOSPEL SINGING COMPETITION today and we like totally SCREWED UP. Yep. The instruments were like TOO SOFT! That was not my fault. I wanted to like UP the VOLUME but SOMEONE told me not to 'cause it would "DROWN" the vocalists voices which turned out to be VERY MUCH LOUDER THAN THE INSTRUMENTS! Yep. Anyway it's like over so ya. WE LOST TO 3 JUSTICE! I don't mind losing but NOT TO RACHEAL BRAB! Sigh! Now she would NEVER STOP TAUTING ME! FUCK! Sigh.. Oh well. At least MCing for the Leaders' Investiture wasn't that bad. So yep. After school, went to MACS to EAT! Laughed a lot as usual. You can already guess who I went with with that statement. Haha. I like have this really crazy idea. I WANT TO SKATEBOARD TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY. But if I do that, people would think I'm poseur and stuff. So I don't think it's a good idea after all. But by doing that, I can save $$$$$ on transport to SCHOOL! Haha. When I was like at CP today, I SAW AN EYE SORE! It is........ BEATRICE! I just can't STAND her. Yep. She's like the BIGGEST POSEUR I EVER SAW. Yep. It's exactly like the Son Of Dork's "Murdered In The Mosh". She'll be an emo, then next week she's a GOTH. Yep. So DESPERATELY OBVIOUS that she just wants ATTENTION. Yep. I'll Give her the attention she wants. INFAMOUSLY. Yep. In fact, I don't even know what I'm talking about. Yep. I just don't LIKE HER! Haha. Today, I like took bus 83 back home. Duh. That's like the only CONVIENIANT BUS.. Yea. Almost missed my stop because of SOME SLOW NAN CHIAU GIRL. SHE LIKE TAKES FOREVER TO LIKE STRAP ON HER BAG! AND SHE WAS LIKE BLOCKING THE WHOLE AILE! Get my DRIFT? Yep. I gave her the EYE though! Haha. Kae. That's like the happenings. Later!

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