Sunday, May 07, 2006

Okay. Maybe CHINESE TUITION isn't that bad. There were like 2 new students so it's a bit more fun then when there were only 2. Jolyn and me. Jolyn's like this girl at my tuition. She's from Senkang Secondary. Anyway, I went to the COMPASS POINT before tuition. I had to run an errand for me mum. Guess what the errand was? It was to help her buy this LIPSTICK from ELIZABETH ARDEN. I still remember the code. 04 DRAMA. Hahaha. It's really GORGEOUS! MAROON in colour. Matted. After I bought it, went to get this really nice CUSTARD PUFF from POLAR! It's like SO NICE! After that, went to POPULAR because bro wanted to buy SHAMAN KING VCD. Anyway, I walked towards the MAGAZINE SECTION as you know me, always checking if AP mag is in. IT WAS IN! Unfortunately, I had no MOLAH. I'm gonna like get my allowance tomorrow anyway! I'm so gonna make my way down to POPULAR RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL! Or else it'll be bought by someone else and I'll be left there to CRY! lol
Not literally but yea. I wanna watch TAKE THE LEAD and THE WILD soooo BAD! I don't mind any movie actually. Anyway, wish me luck in PHYSICS tomorrow! SAYONARA~

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