Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hmmm... I think I've got more flaws than good points. Yea. Here are my flaws:
  1. I'm Stubborn. 
  2. I act like I know it all.
  3. I repeat myself too much.
  4. I have to WIN a fight.
  5. I think I'm right.
  6. I'm the one who starts the fights in the first place.
  7. My priorities are all wrong.
  8. I'm too emotional.
  9. I regurgitate every fact I know.
  10. Sometimes the facts are wrong.
  11. I jump to conclusions quite often.
  12. I'm very emotional, have I said that?
  13. I make a mountain out of a molehill.
  14. I'm too much of a Drama Queen.
  15. I feel easily left out.
  16. I'm so annoying sometimes to the extent that I get annoyed with myself.
  17. I wanna go for every gig that I want to go to.
  18. I'm so lame, people never really laugh at my jokes. 
  19. People misunderstand me a lot. (I guess that's not really my fault....)  
  20. I'm always late.  
Yea. Now let's see what good I see in myself.:
  1. Well at least I've got a Personality.
  2. I guess I've got CDs for you to borrow. 
  3. I've got a UNIQUE sense of style? (I GUESS?) 
  4. I'm not UGLY?
  5. I'm not SUPER DUPER FAT?
  6. I empathize with people and their situations.
See what I mean? I haven't got proper GOOD POINTS for myself at all....
Well maybe I don't see them, or maybe I don't have any. I'm always the cause of some strain and conflict between my family, my friends, even my boyfriend. I should just shut up and do what they want me to do. I shan't talk back. I shan't fight. I shan't stand for my points. 

Music: I'm The Only Gay Eskimo by SNL Cast.

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