Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I have become a Vegan. Yea. That means no MEAT, no MILK, no CHEESE, no ANIMAL PRODUCTS. EVER. It's a huge step for me but I'm willing to take on being a Vegan. I wanna make a difference in the world. Stop animal cruelty. Yea. You guys might say "Hey, chickens/cows/sheep are bred especially for us humans for food and other stuff like leather." Do you know the reason why a cow produce milk is so that it could feed its calf and not to feed us. At some farms, the calf is separated its mum shortly after birth and is enclosed in a tiny cage where it can't even stand or turn around with ease. Some of them never learn to walk. The mother cow is then milked dry. Imagine drinking milk from some stranger woman's breasts. I wouldn't wanna do that so why should I do that to a cow just because it's an animal? Fur. FUR IS DEAD. And so are the animals which provide us with it. People like J.LO and Beyoncé has like fur coats made out of 100 chinchillas and other furry animals. Imagine wearing human skin as a coat. Sick right?
So what gives us the right to take of the skin of the animals just for GLAM and shit like that? Some will say "Hey, you ate lots of meat before you became vegan anyway. Why stop now?" Well at least I can start saving as many animals as I can from now onwards. Yea. There really isn't a need for us to eat meat. There are so many substitutes for protein like in Tofu. And for iron, there's dark green leafy vegetables. It's gonna take a lot of getting used to but I'm willing to put in my effort. And as for Ice-cream, there's Sorbet. Yep. Being Vegan is healthy anyways, so what's the harm? You're saving yourself and saving many animals at the same time. (: After I found out what KFC does to their chickens, I feel that they're more like Kentucky Fried Cruelty. Yea. I swear never to walk into that place ever again. You guys can go ahead. I'm staying out. My dad is totally against the idea of me becoming Vegan. To bad, I'm gonna rise against his idea of eating meat. There are gonna be a lot of people being really critical about this, but I'm gonna stand strong for the animals. You can still eat meat if you want, I'll still be your friend. It's not like I'm TRYING to change everyone into a freaking Vegan. Yea. Do what you want. It's your life. 

Music: Chapter Four by Avenged Sevenfold.

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