Thursday, April 17, 2008

Today was really fun man!!! It turned out really fun. I thought it would be some lame ass orientation like how orientations are, but I was wrong! Right now I'm like deadbeat, but I enjoyed myself la... Made new friends!!! Jas, Huiting, Xiang Yi, Simon, Daphne, Darren and the rest of 1B05!!!! Huiting and I went crazy towards the end of day one. HAHAH! Glee *done with spaz facial expression, spaz laughter, and hand sign.* HAHA! That Mary Moe song thingy is stuck in my head now la... DUH! We did the freaking Mass Dance like dunno how many times man! Met old friends too. Christine, Erny, Kathy from KCP!!! Met old SJC friends too! I'm so shagged... I think I'm gonna go bathe now and then go sleep.... I HEART MY CLASS! The people in my class are FAB! Well we need to get Alphonse to break out of his comfort zone. (:

Music: Translating The Name by Saosin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

say-oh-sin wheee