Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Okay. I've got some eating disorder shit going on. I have no idea what you call it but yea. I don't have the appetite to eat since like 3 weeks ago. I haven't really ate since. Yea. It's not that I don;t get hungry or anything but it's just that I really don't feel like eating. Today, I was so hungry, so I ate chicken rice for lunch. It didn't fill me for long because I puked it all out. Yea. It's not the first time. It's not like I stuff my fingers down my throat to make myself puke, it just came out. It happened with my char kway teow the other time too. I have no idea what kind of an eating disorder this is man... If I eat anything, I'll probably puke it back out. I guess I'll have to drink Vitamin Water to get the minerals in my system. I'm totally fine with my body. So I guess I'm not anorexic. I don't binge then hurl on purpose, so I guess I'm not bulimic. 

WHATEVER... I'm still living. I won't die from it... I hope... 

Music: Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.

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