Saturday, April 12, 2008

You know what? Being Vegan is really difficult man. I can't eat a whole lotta stuff! We'll in Singapore it's really difficult. I don't know how much longer can I stay Vegan. I might become semi-vegan instead. Like I'll eat Vegan for like alternate days or something. It's really difficult. 

Anyways, Andrew, Jude and I just formed a Jam Band. We're called Deadbeat Sweetheart. Yea. Andrew on guitars, Jude on drums and me on vocals and maybe guitar. Yea. Playing acoustics songs first la... then slowly level up.  Right now, I'm coming up with like designs for the name. Band art man... 

Music: History by Funeral For A Friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lilian you're mad lah... semi-vegan ??? wtf