Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I just came back from the airport. I went to pick my Grandma up. She came from Hong Kong. Yep. And along with her came along my new companion... MY BOSE HEADPHONES!!! HOLY CRAP! I HAVE BOSE HEADPHONES!!! It's the noise canceling kind. It's really awesome man!! It's so comfortable and everything man!

I'm looking forward to spending time with my Grandma. Yep. We shall go do our hair together! (: Okay, right now it's like 2 something, and tomorrow I've gotta wake up for my dental appointment. So I'm gonna go sleep now. (: GOODNIGHT PEOPLE! BE VERY JEALOUS OF MY BRAND NEW BOSE HEADPHONES! I want the sound system in my room. HAHA! Wishful thinking. 

Music: In Regards To Myself by UnderØath. (They sound really awesome on my NEW BOSE HEADPHONES!!!) 

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