Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Okay. School was quite a bore. We were doing MicroEcons. WTF. And next year we're gonna do MacroEcon which is gonna be worse according to Julie! (: HAHA! Yea... We finished the lecture half an hour early though! Yep! Then Jes, Michelle, Wendy, Hafizah, Huiting, Darren and me went down to the Design block to grab ourselves some totally AWESOME FISH AND CHIPS MAN!!! It was only like $3.50 la!!!! Yea. Then we just talked and talked and laughed and talked. Yea. HAHAHAH! And I saw my primary school friends man!!! HAHAAH! Yea. Then Michelle had to leave for home because she's expecting guests. Then Simon came down, ordered a plate of FISH AND CHIPS as well and we just continued talking and talking man. HAHAH! I swear we really digress a whole lot man. We start of with one topic, and it transforms into a whole new topic man!!! WTH right? It's really fun though... (: Yea. And today Jude was the one to sms me first instead of the usual me smsing first... It was like WOAH! I wished he do that more often. I kinda miss him a whole lot. Anyways, I MADE MY EZ-LINK CARD TODAY! But I'm only getting it in 2 weeks time. Yea. Simon, Jes, Darren and I took a cab to Tampines Interchange to do that... HAHAH! Yea. It cost $3.80 so it was less than $1 each. HAHAH! Yea. After doing all that shit, Darren, Jes and I cabbed back... HAHAHAH! 

I have no idea why I feel that Jude's getting bored with me... I think it's the whole insecurity shit that's kicking in... I hope I feel wrongly. 

Music: Anarchy In The UK by Sex Pistols.

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