Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I woke up really late today. I woke up at 3pm... Yep. I waited for Jude to call me back last night like until 3 something. Then I got really sleepy, so I just slept. Yea. Then when I woke up, I recorded myself playing Anyone Else But You on my guitar. Like straight away after I woke up. HAHA! I had no idea why but yea. Here's the video. Okay. Wait. I don't wanna post my video! I look HIDEOUS! I just woke up with really puffy eyes and hair going hay-wire.... 
Yea. The video's retarded. I'm in my friggen' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs PJ. HAHA! I love that song a lot. HAHA! It's so cute. 

Yea anyways, I stayed home the whole day today, waiting for Jude to come online. It's the only way that I can get him right now because his prepaid card shit is low on credit, my phone is fucked up so I don't have his house number. Yea. I have no idea how other people contact him man. It's always the situation where everyone else but me is able to get him. WTF. That's all I gotta say about that. WTF. I'm actually quite mad at him... but everytime I get him someway or another, I never wanna say anything about me being mad at him. Why? I don't wanna screw up the time that I actually get to talk to him or something. Yea. I just want to hear his voice. Yea. I'm tormenting myself. I feel that it's worth bottling up, I have no idea why. When I find the answer, I will know...

Music: Find A Way by The Used.

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