Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Is The Best Feeling.


I had a lot of fun this Christmas!

My "first" real Christmas! With all the MAJOR LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING, the going to Christmas Midnight Mass, the partying after that and OPENING GIFTS BY THE CHRISTMAS TREE (a real Christmas Tree at that)!!!

The party was happening! It was so nice to see everyone catching up and having fun. I ended up watching them dance and sing and smile to myself. It's really a truly nice feeling. Just by looking at them, you'll already be infected with their joy. (:

Thank you everyone for making me feel so warm and fuzzy this Christmas. (:


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's nice to see you stress-free and happy.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A day at the Sunlove home opened my eyes to how much I had and how I didn't see how lucky I am. I'm always saying "I'm not pretty enough, I've got no freedom, I don't have friends, I don't have enough love, I don't have enough money... BLAH BLAH BLAH"

A lot of the people there were mentally disabled, and the rest were abandoned by their own family. I never got that sort of treatment from my friends, no matter how little I have, and my family. Aren't I satisfied yet? I should be.

These people staying in the home have no freedom. They don't get to choose what to eat. They don't get to choose what they wear. They don't get a choice whether to go out or stay in. Some of them are more fortunate than others as they get visits from their family, the others, just stare blankly out the window through the metal grills and laugh to themselves when it starts raining. I get to choose when I want to go out, what to eat, what to wear, what hair style I want, and still, I don't think I'm pretty enough or free enough. Shouldn't I be satisfied yet? I should be.

My mum bought some tibits like cakes and candy for us to give out to them. When I was giving them out, the way some of the people there thank me can just make you cry. It's just a small cake in a packet and they had so much appreciation. The smile on their faces just makes your day. I get a lot of things and help these past 17 years. And yet I want more. I should be satisfied.

These people are so full of love and appreciation. They appreciated everything they have though it's not much. If I can have half of how they appreciate life, I think it would help me be a better person.

I feel very ashamed of how unappreciative, demanding and unsatisfied I've been.

Music: Across The Universe by The Beatles.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I can't name you.

Somethings been causing this pain
I know it's not real it just feels that way
How did things dramatically change
Wish things would of just stayed the same

Friday, December 12, 2008

Holidays are here! Though I have no idea what I should start doing but I'm just happy that it's here already...

Took of my cast today... AT HOME. Freaking hospital can only put my next appointment on February 15th NEXT FUCKING YEAR... So I just decided to take it off myself with the help of my STRONG LITTLE BROTHER... (: HAHAHA! We had to use some metal pliers-like thingy scissors to cut the rock-hard cast off... My wrist is still sore, but it felt so good to get out of the cast man. It's in a wrist guard now till it gets better. (:

I wanna go on a photography expedition. Just for fun. Just me and my Diana and whoever who wants to join me. (:

I wish I was somewhere else other than here right now...

Music: Perfect by Army Of Me.
You've probably reached Phuket already. Have fun tanning!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No one else will know these lonely dreams.

Empty these days will be.
Though it's only for a short while.

Okay. I'm supposed to take my cast off today, but had stupid Business Stats mid sem test so I had to miss it... Gonna call the hospital tomorrow to arrange a new appointment. Well, long waits... At the freaking hospital. Just me.

I'm feeling really frustrated.

Music: 23 by Jimmy Eat World.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Tests fucking suck. BIG TIME. DUH...

My hand is still in a cast.. BUT NOT FOR LONG! (:


Ben and Jerry's Chunk fest was AWESOME! There were bands performing and I have to say they were not too shabby. They played great MOOOSIC...

I just got a Diana F+. Okay.. Not just... A while ago. I've yet to scan my film in...

My friends and I plan to make an Adam Lazzara shirt because we're so in love with him. News flash, my friend's a dood...

I can't wait for the holiday to come.. Although it's only for 2 short tiny weeks...

I've yet to wrap up Christmas presents man...

Everyone who has been my friend until now will get one. (: Just to thank you guys for being my friend. Really appreciate it.

Okay, I'm gonna go back to studying for Organizational Behaviour... ZZZ....

Music: I Believe In A Thing Called Love by The Darkness.

Friday, December 05, 2008

I'm so going... (:
I need ICE CREAM!!!!

Music: Emergency by Paramore.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I need to let you know what I feel.
Because I'm starting to get very tired.
I'm not supposed to feel like that about you.

Monday, December 01, 2008

I can't believe I lost Jude's phone. I feel like such an idiot. Fuck. I am very upset.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Somethings are far too good to go when you let go.

There are many things I'd like to say.
Just can't find words to put it.
Can't find words that won't offend you at least.
So it's better to keep my trap shut.

"Speak now or forever hold your piece and pieces."

Music: Down and Out by The Academy Is...

Everything I have.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Guess Who's Back?

I'm finally back on my blog. (: Straighten some stuff out, got my wrist fractured, had nightmares about people I love dying, and yea... Anyways, recently I've been totally nuts about OLIVER SYKES from Bring Me The Horizon. I listen to them but never really bothered to see what they look like. HAHAHA! That's when I bought RockSound Magazine and stumbled upon his picture. GOSH, he's so pretty... It makes me go oooohh.... HAHAHA! Mind you, it's just an eyecandy. I love Judey a lot. (: Here's some more Oli Sykes for you to oogle at.


Music: A Torrid Love Affair by Boys Night Out.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

We're both such magnificent liars.

Why don't we just talk about it? You act like you're okay. I act like I'm okay. We both know that we're not. Why are we being such phonies to each other? I hate the phase we're going through right now. It makes me feel like a shithead. I'm just pouring out my feelings through any means I can. I should stop doing that and speak up instead. Talk to you. You know what, just stab me right now. It'll be much easier, I guess.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Hate It When You Shout At Me. It Makes Me Feel Really Sad For The Whole Week.

Have you ever felt really upset after someone kinda shouted at you? I'm not someone who gets easily offended if you shout at me or something. But when Jude does that, it makes me sad. It makes me want to cry. I must have done something really wrong to be shouted at, but most of the time I get over it in a split second. But when you do it, I feel shit about myself and wouldn't dare say another word or do something that might make you shout at me again. So I keep quiet. I wouldn't wanna spoil your mood by telling you what I feel on the spot. Sorry baby for doing whatever I did that made you shout at me. :(

Friday, October 24, 2008



Thursday, October 23, 2008

Never Gonna Be Who You Want Me To Be.

Tell me where our time went
And if it was time well spent
Just don't let me fall asleep
Feeling empty again

Cause I fear I might BREAK
And I fear I cant take it
Some night I'll lie awake

I can feel the PRESSURE
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you
I can feel the PRESSURE
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you

Now that I'm LOSING HOPE
And there's nothing else to show
For all of the days that were spent
carrying away from hope

Somethings I'll never know
And I had to let them go
I'm sitting all alone
Feeling empty

I can feel the PRESSURE
its getting closer now
We're better off without you
I can feel the PRESSURE
We're better off without you

Without you

Somethings I'll never know
And I had to let them go
Somethings I'll never know
And I had to let them go
But I'm sitting all alone
Feeling empty

I can feel the PRESSURE
its getting closer now
We're better off without you

its getting closer now

Music: Pressure by Paramore.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today, Jeremy, Andrew, Jude and I went to search for COSTUMES!!! I got bits and pieces for the my outfit. Andrew got his two outfits. Jude still has to work on getting one. Jeremy got one and a half of his outfit. I still have to work on my top and my shirt for the costume. (: We went to 2 different places to search for costumes. Yea. They were both near each other in arab street so it wasn't much of a problem. After searching for costumes, we went to eat at this place called Charco's in Ang Mo Kio. I swear, you will cry eating the lamb kebab and the lamb ribs... The best part was, it was CHEAP! like 6 something for the kebab and 13 something for the ribs. WOW right? We ordered 5 dishes all together and it amounted to only $42 something! That is really cheap for really good food. Anyways, I'm gonna hit the sack now. Gotta wake up at 6 for work. (:

Music: The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined.
ANDREW CAME BACK LAST NIGHT! (: We got him a slice of GIANT CHOCOLATE CAKE at the Airport, but we hid it from him all the way to Newton. When he was coming out after grabbing his luggage, Jeremy was holding my notebook with SONSUB scribbled on it, and I just screamed "SMILEEEEEE!!!!" and snapped a picture of him with my Fuji Instant camera. Yep. Went to Newton to eat and catch up. (: When we arrived there, people were just crowding around us, shoving their freaking menu in our faces, not giving us time to even breathe.... I hate it when people breathe down my neck when I'm making up my mind about food or clothes or something... It just makes me not wanna buy anything from them... So I just got 4 BBQ chicken wings... Didn't really wanted to make a choice... After talking and talking and talking, we decided to head home. Yep. So that was my day yesterday. (:

Music: Crank It Up by Hadouken!.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Little Red Riding Hood.

I'm gonna be Little Red Riding Hood on Halloween! (: Already reserved a red cape for it. SO COOOL! Well, I still haven't got the rest of my costumes... Yea. GOTTA GO FIND!

Anyways, ANDREW'S COMING BACK!!!! TONIGHT!!! AT 12am... Gonna go fetch him from the airport with Jude and Jeremy. Yep.

Music: That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Can't Sleep. Everything I Ever Do Is A Lie Without You.

Man... I went to bed at 9pm. And now I'm wide awake... I was wide awake since 12am... I have no idea why I cannot continue to sleep. What to do. And Jude's not awake yet. Since 4 plus. What to do. I need to pee. But I'm lazy to get down from my bunk bed. What to do. Maybe I will really have to get down if I don't want to wet my bed. HAHAHA! I'm like really sleepy but I can't sleep. Kae. I shall try and sleep. Anyways, I got new Macbeth Shoes today! (: I know, I know. What the hell do I need so many Macbeths for. I just like them. Like A LOT. They are the most comfy shoes that look awesome. Unlike Crocs. Crocs puts you in danger of getting your toes ripped off by the hungry escalator. And I got myself a new Instant Camera. The Fuji Film one. Since Polaroid film isn't gonna be around for long, and they are very costly now, I decided to get another instant camera. Yep. Sad though. I really love Polaroid. OKAY. I NEED TO SLEEP. GOING FOR A VC MEETING TOMORROW.

Monday, October 06, 2008

I found an old picture when I was looking through the photo albums. And I framed it up. (:

I really miss them... and all the crazy stuff we used to do together. I think Qing took this because I'm in the picture. (: Really hope we could meet up soon and such. (:

Music: Dude, I Totally Miss You by Tenacious D.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ich hasse Bumser wie rachel

That 21 year-old, old hag from Germany, known by the name of "Rachel" is a fucker. She goes on Fluffy's blog and starts ranting about music, which she knows nothing of. ZILCH! Seriously, which 21 year-old in the world has time to actually read a 16 year-old's blog and quarrel with her? ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE'S IN FUCKING GERMANY AND ANDY'S FROM RED-DOT SINGAPORE. That questions whether is she really from there. She's probably a fat-ass loser with nothing better to do while everyone's out partying and such. And she calls me a kid. Yea. I am a kid. TURNING 7 LIKE I SAID IN ANDY'S BLOG. Seriously, I doubt she's German. If she is, PROVE IT SUCKKA! I can speak a bit of German. So BRING IT ON BIATCH!

Wenn Sie dieses lesen, sind Sie entweder Deutscher oder benutzen einen Übersetzer.

Translate that for me weiblicher Hund.

Music: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Okay. Disappointment. Again. My braces won't be off until the 20th October. What The Fuck....

Well, at least the rest of the day wasn't so bad. Hung out at Starbucks at Tampines Mall for a while, got myself a Venti Hazelnut Caramel Frappucino Blended Coffee. After that, went to meet Jimmy at Compass Point for lunch. Well he ate Subway, I just ate chips. After that, Judey called and asked if we wanna go eat Boon Tong Kee with his family. (: And now I'm like damn full... HAHA! I miss hanging out with them la... I should work less.

Music: Mr. Know It All by Saw Loser.

1.30PM Appointment.

I really wanted you to come along with me. Well, no biggie. Brace-less when you next see me! (:

Music: Cute Without The E by Taking Back Sunday.

Ladeda/17% Virgin.

I'm bored. Oh...? What's this? 2 quizzes for me to do?! YAY!

1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal.

1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Dear Prudence -The Beatles. (???)

2. How would you describe yourself?
Your Friends Are Gone- Circa Survive. (HAHAHA! You got no friends!)

3. What do you like in a guy?
What Went Wrong- Saves The Day. (HAHA! Whatever wrong I guess.)

4. How do you feel today?
Say Days Ago- The Used. (no comment)

5. What is your life's purpose?
Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol. (ZLOL!)

6. What is your motto?
Bulls In Brooklyn- The Academy Is... ( WTF )

7. What do your friends think of you?
Under the Bridge- Red Hot Chilli Peppers. (No Comments.)

8. What do you think of your parents?
Live Fast- Pensive. (They Live Slow.)

9. What do you think about very often?
Maybe We Should Just Go Home- The Joel Plaskett Emergency. (Kinda true.)

10. What is 2 + 2?
Ladies Of Cambridge- Vampire Weekend. (LMAO)

11. What do you think of your best friend?
It's Time To Dance- PATD. (they dance??)

12. What do you think of the person you like?
Golden Skans- Klaxons. ( Makes no sense dude...)

13. What is your life story?
Mothership- Enter Shikari. (?)

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Waltz Moore- From First To Last. (Sadist? According to the song...)

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
I Know What You Buried Last Summer(Mesh up)- Senses Fail and Taking Back Sunday. (So critical. Tsk tsk.)

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Taxi Driver- Gym Class Heroes. (I really would.)

17. What will they play at your funeral?
Say(All I Need)- One Republic. (Maybe. It's sad though.)

18. What is your hobby/interest?
Holidays In The Sun- Sex Pistols. (I'd rather be in the shade.)

19. What is your biggest fear?
Nikki FM- Hawthorne Heights. ( Nikki is actually the nickname of a girl I used to be best friends with)

20. What is your biggest secret?
Slacker- Son Of Dork. (HAHA! I'm a slacker and that's no secret.)

21. What do you think of your friends?
Come Back To Me- Plain White T's. (?)

22. What will you post this as?
Ladeda- Allura (It's a cute post name.(: )

23. What song would you play during your first time having sex?
My Doorbell- White Stripes (It has a good beat. Not bad, not bad at all.)

Start with 100% and minus 1%
for everything that you’ve done.
Then repost as your ___% virgin.
[ ] Smoked.
[X] Drank alcohol.
[X] Cried when someone died.
[ ] Been drunk.
[ ] Had sex
[X] Been to a concert.
[X] Given a handjob/gotten a handjob.
[ ] Given a blowjob/gotten a blowjob.
[ ] Been verbally sexually harassed.
[ ] Verbally sexually harassed somebody.
[X]Felt someone up and/or been felt up.
[X] Laughed so hard something came out of your nose.
[ ] Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before.
[ ] Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[X] Been to prom.
[X] Cried at school.
[X] Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store.
[ ] Went streaking.
[ ] Given or receieved a lap dance.
[X] Had someone of the opposite sex in your room
[X]Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over.
[X]Slept over at someone of the opposite sex’s house.
[ ]Kissed a stranger.
[X]Hugged a stranger.
[ ]Went scuba diving.
[ ]Driven a car.
[X]Gotten an X-Ray.
[ ]Hit by a car.
[X]Had a party.
[ ]Done drugs.
[ ] Played strip poker.
[ ] Got paid to strip for someone.
[X] Ran away from home.
[X]Broken a bone.
[X] Eaten Sushi.
[ ]Bought porn.
[X(I swear it was an accident!)]Watched porn.
[ ] Made porn.
[ ] Had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[X]Been in love.
[X]Frenched kissed.
[X]Laughed so hard you cried
[X]Cried yourself to sleep.
[X]Laughed yourself to sleep.
[X] Stabbed yourself. by accident
[X]Shot a gun.
[X]Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day.
[X]Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours
[X] Been online for 9 consecutive hours.
[ ]Watched an animal die.
[ ]Watched a person die.
[ ] Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person present.
[X] Pranked somebody.
[ ]Put somebody in the hospital.
[X]Snuck into someone’s room and/or your own room after being out.
[ ] Kissed somebody of the same sex.
[X]Dressed punk.
[X] Dressed goth.
[X] Dressed preppy.
[ ] Been to a motocross race.
[X] Avoided somebody.
[ ] Been stalked.
[X] Stalked someone.
[X] Met a celebrity.
[X] Played an instrument.
[ ] Ridden a horse.
[X] Cut yourself.
[X] Bungee jumped
[ ] Ding dong ditched somebody
[X] Been to a wild party.
[X] Kicked a guy in the balls.
[X] Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend.
[ ] Went out with your friend’s crush.
[ ] Got arrested.
[ ]Been pregnant.
[X]Been to another country.
[ ]Started your house on fire.
[ ]Had an encounter with a ghost.
[ ]Donated your hair to cancer patients.
[X]Been asked out by someone that you never thought you’d be asked out by.
[X]Cried over a member of the opposite sex.
[X] Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months.
[X]Answered the phone while you were in the shower.
[X] Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself.
[X]Had a job.
[X]Gotten cut from a sports team.
[X] Been called a slut.
[ ]Danced like a slut.
[X (HAHA! PAUL TWOHILL)] Been mistaken for a celebrity.
[X] Been in a car accident.
[X] Been told you have beautiful eyes.
[X] Been told you have beautiful hair.
[ ] Raped somebody.
[X] Danced in the rain.
[X]been rejected
[ ] walked out of a restaurant without paying.
[X] Punched someone/slapped someone in the face
[ ] Been raped


I'm really bored. I wanna sleep and I can't.

I'm taking of my BRACES TOMORROW!!!

Music: A Little Bit Longer- Nick Jonas.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yesterday was really nice. (: Jude and I went out to town to hang out. Just the two of us. (: We went to Plaza Singapura first. Walked around. Went into Spotlight to source for fabrics to make our Halloween costumes. Jude's still deciding between being Woody from Toys Stories or Cousin Itt from Addams Family. I wanna be Wednesday Addams. (: The fabric is a little hard to find though. I'm not giving up! Anyways, I got myself a pair of knitting needles and two balls of yarn. Just felt like knitting again. My old needles went missing ages ago. This time I'm gonna actually finish knitting something. Maybe a scarf or a beanie. (: After that, we walked to Somerset. It's been so long since we walked in the City together. HAHA! Yea. Went to get the 9.25pm tickets for Mamma Mia. Went to have dinner at Pasta Mania. Walked around Orchad after that. Went to Far East Plaza to find for hair extensions for the Cousin Itt costume. ANd we realise that if we're really gonna use hair extensions for the costume, the total cost will amount up to over 500 bucks. Yea. Still finding for other alternatives.

I need to go to work now so i'll update more when i get back or something. Ciaos!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Automatic Eyes.

This is almost what I felt. Not the stuff that happened or anything. Just the feeling.

Staring at the mirror through your hair,
you can’t see everything that you did to me.
With your automatic eyes, five years disappeared.
FIve years disappeared that night.

Do you want me to stay,
Do you want me to go?
Do you think I recognize
the look on your face when you think that
I know?
Blinded as the shades draw closed,
time’s up for us
Would you want me to go,
If you knew what I know?
If you knew what I know.

Staring at the wall above the bed,
I can’t sleep with all the secrets that you keep.
With your automatic eyes,
five years disappeared.
FIve years disappeared that night.

-William Beckett

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We Don't Talk, You Won't Know, I Won't Know.

Just came back from Devin's 5th birthday party. I didn't really have to leave but I was pretty tired out. I've got a bar test tomorrow too. And I didn't really feel too good. Yea.

And now I'm just sitting in my bathtub. Seriously. Why? I need to feel safe. I haven't felt safe for a really long time. I haven't felt warm in a really long time. I feel that the bathtub is the safest place. Free from judgements. Free from staring eyes. Free from hurt. You could just be yourself. Cry if you needed to, and nobody is gonna be there to point and whisper. Nobody's gonna care, because nobody knows. And that is the safest.

Recently I've been feeling down. I happy at work and everything. After all that, I just go back to feeling down. I feel neglected. I try to get noticed, but I don't wanna try too hard. I just miss the times I get to be myself in public and just be free. I hate being restrained.

The bathtub is the safest place.

I am fucking weird. Stay the fuck away from me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm beginning to love my job. It tires the fuck out of me but dude, it's way fun. Call me mad but the worse way to torture me is to leave me with nothing to do. I hate feeling bored. Bored= Lonely. Lonely= Alone. Alone= Loser. You know what I mean.... HAHAHAHAHA! Yea. Made a whole lotta Frapps today. I love making Frapps.

Well after I ended work, went to Compass Point to meet Jude, Clara and Devin. (: Someone was extremely happy and giggly today. Devin just kept laughing and laughing and laughing. He's happy because his birthday is gonna be here soon! He's like the most adorable boy I've ever met. (:

I've got work at 3 tomorrow, and I didn't really got much rest today either. So I shall go chill out and watch Project Runway.

Music: True Colours by Cyndi Lauper.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Father, thanks for finding fault in me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gone against everything you said and actually do something I like. Thanks. Thanks for not believing in me.


Pierce? No Pierce?

Hey hey! Went over to Fluffy's place today to record some videos. Yep. It was fun. (: Miss hanging out with those peeps la...

Anyways, I wanna get a hip surface piercing. Yea. Like seriously. But I'm a sucker for pain and apparently hip surface piercings hurt like fuck. And the piercing might get rejected and leave a horrible scar. But if it heals properly and stuff, it's gonna be so beautiful!!! Yea. Damn... To pierce or not to pierce? That is the question.
I'm getting my braces off on the 29th this month. I wanted to get snake bites once I got them off, but... I don't really feel like it anymore. But at the same time I want them. Hiya. I gotta make up my mind.

I should just get them right?

You know what I should do? I should go to some piercing place and bombard them with whatever questions I have about piercings and stuff. Then I will know more about it and the pros and cons and stuff. Yea. I shall do that.

Music: A Little Piece Of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



Sorry. Random post.

Last night, Jude came over to my place before we went over to Punggol End to play with fire, light lanterns and eat mooncake. Jacintha, my brother's friend (or girlfriend-to-be) came along too. So did my brother. Jeremy met us at Punggol End. We played with fire. HAHAHA! Burned all the sparkler boxes and stuff. Flood the whole grass patch with wax. Yea. It was really relaxing and stuff. Then Jac had to go back home. So we took 82 back to our place, Jac hoped onto a cab and we went up to my place to hang out. HAHAHA! For the first time ever, Jude and Jeremy are hanging out at my place, WITH MY PARENTS' CONSENT! HAHA! Yea. We ordered Macs. Ate. Then it was into my room it was. Jeremy and Ricky were gambling. HAHAHA! Jeremy lost 10 bucks to Ricky. Jude and I were on the top bunk, just chilling out. (*AHEM*) And soon, it was like 4am! my parents were gonna wake up and they would be really supprised to see Jude and Jeremy still here so they left. I wished they could stay longer though. I wished the night would never end. Well, tonight we're gonna go play some more!!!!

Music: Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I'd give up everything in my possession for you.
What are you willing to give up for me?

I'd do everything you ask me to.
What are you willing to do for me?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm really moody now. I have no idea why I'm hurting so much but yea, it's the harsh truth. I guess I'm PMS-ing. I can't express my feelings right. There's just no words to how I'm feeling. All I know that I'm feeling sore. I'm feeling hurt. I just feel like crying my heart out now.

No one knows who I truly am,
no one seems to care.
when ever I need a shoulder to cry on,
no one's ever there.

No one knows of the pain I hold inside,
its much too deep.
never being able to express myself,
all I can do is weep.

No one knows what it feels like
to truly be me.
always hiding, and never free.

No one knows,
is that all I can ever say?
I'm tired of this and don't want
to keep living this way.

Maybe one day I'll have the strength
to let my true feelings show.
but until now I'll just keep saying,
"No one knows"

Music: You Don't Love Me by The Kooks.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm so bored. Thank God for The Catcher In The Rye though. I'm dying... It's a good book. And this is a random post.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Okay. I gotta post this up man!

Jeremy is one very cute friend of mine.
He does the funniest shits ever.
Like today...
We went to Pizza Hut for dinner. (Jude, Him and I)
And we asked if the drinks for the set could be changed from ice lemon tea to Pepsi,
He thought we wanted Pepsi.
We thought he wanted something else.
So Jude said "2 Pepsis and... *gestures towards Jimmy*"
And Jeremy said "2 Pepsis, 1 Coke."


Yea. That brighten up my day la... So cute la he... HAHAHAHA!

Music: Monsoon by Tokio Hotel.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Je T'Aime Plus Qu' Moins Que Demain


I can't believe it has been a year man.
Time do pass fast when you have someone to love.

I know, I know it's damn cheesy...
And so is my little compilation of pictures....

Hope you like it though! (:


Monday, September 01, 2008


that you won't forget tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Since I haven't got anything to do ( but study ) and I can't sleep, I shall put up SingFest photos. Enjoy people.

Oh look, it's "Lucky Valentine" aka SAM COOPER...
and MASASHI in the background. CROWNED KING

New Found Glory


And now there's some problem with blogger. Shall continue soon.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Freaking 5.

Gosh. It's like 5 am. And I still can't sleep.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Damn... I'm awake. Jude called me at 3.18am just now. And now I can't go back to sleep. Damn. I went to sleep at 11. And now I can't sleep once I'm up! Someone make me sleep? MANNNNN......

I should try turning on the air conditioner. And drinking water.

Don't Leave Me High.... ( and drunk.)

Last night was Jude's birthday party but his birthday isn't until the 26th. Yep. The party was a BLAST! And just like last year's party, Jude's cousins made me take a photo with him. I'm like damn shy one la... HAHAHA! I love my baby. The party picked up pace and soon the police were knocking on the front door. HAHAHAHA! Around that same time, I had too many shots and felt really tipsy. I was still sober, just a little high. Hahaha! Drank shitload of water to "balance" it out. Felt alright again and drank a lot more shots. I swear it was one after another. And I tasted Grey Goose vodka. Just by itself. NEAT. I'm not much of a fan of drinking it neat. Prefer it when I mix it with something. Since we couldn't blast music out in the living room without disturbing the neighbours, Jude's room became a little club. HAHAHA! It was ace! Jude was like really high. Well the whole room was. It's so nice to see people all have fun and let loose. I need to learn how to do that. I am clueless when it comes to partying. I'm like the person who sits at a club, drinks and does not dance. HAHAHA! Later on when we started playing rock music, I got really high from a whole lot of shots and started jumping and headbanging and stuff la. HAHAHA! Yea. I was damn tired after that though. Fell asleep on Jude's bed while they were still partying. When I woke up, everyone was outside. Then I went back to sleep. When I finally woke up for good, I went out to the corridoor to see what are they doing, and there were the police again. HAAHA! They haven't got anything better to do... Jude and Jeremy went to sleep shortly after. I just sat on the couch stoning until 10 am. HAHAHA! I swear I was so in a daze. Went to wake Jeremy up to go home. Yea. Jude was like sleeping so I just gave him a peck on his cheek and left. Everyone is like high and drunk. Dru gave Jeremy and I 10 bucks each to get a cab home. When I got home, I ate, bathed and slept until 6 something. Gosh... I woke up quite dizzy and my throat feels really sore and I was coughing quite badly. I think Jude must have passed me his cough from all the snogging in between the songs. Yea. Now I'm gonna go have dinner. THE PARTY WAS ACE. Yea. Will post up photos once I get them. Happy birthday in advance Jude baby!

Music: House Of Suffering by The Bled.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I'm missing out so much. I don't wanna miss a thing. Seriously. there's gotta be more to life.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hey guys! This morning, I went over to Vanessa's place to do a recording of Say It Again again for Clickies Music on YouTube. Yep. It went well. Then, Andrew tells me that today is the day of To Kill A Mocking Bird and that they kinda have an extra ticket because Anna couldn't make it soooo..... I WENT!!! I've heard so much about the novel and yet I have not read it. I should man! Anyways, The Boo Radley actor was really cute! Yea. After the play we had subway and walked around a bit. I need to get some Formal wear for presentations in school and some girlie clothes.


Here are the pictures from today. (:
I can never take a proper picture can I? HAHAHA! It's more fun to squirm in pictures anyways.

Music: Shake It by Metro Station.



Yep! View. Rave. Comment.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Eisley Baby!


It's so DARN CUTE!

And Macbeth Shoes' soles are always really cool!


Yea! Really awesome shoe man! I've got another limited edition Macbeth Shoes too. I bought it quite long ago. It was all black and it came with guitar picks. It was the Fred Mascherino edition. Yep! That one had writing under the paddy thingy too. (:

Music: Kids by MGMT